Hey, what's a Bacon Rodeo?

You might have noticed (or might not have noticed) that this blog now lives at www.baconrodeo.com. I've decided to move the blog off of aliverson.com and turn that URL into a sort of a calling card website with links to all my different blogs and projects and such.

Why "Bacon Rodeo"? Uhh, I don't really have a good answer for that. I register lots of domains for different purposes. Sometimes it comes in handy for testing or tracking to have a domain nobody knows about. A domain you can let lapse later on, when some payday-loan-email-sending-jerkwad sells your seed email addresses to ten thousand of his closest friends. So, I have a lot of domains, and I didn't really need this one for anything any longer. And it gave me an opportunity to draw a Bacon Rodeo logo, based on the "push button, receive bacon" meme, which has always been a favorite of mine. (And because I'm an ex-design geek, I kept some sense of design consistency going among my logos by continuing my use of DuePuntoZero for the logo's typography, as I've done on Spam Resource and elsewhere.) Stay tuned for a new www.aliverson.com, coming soon.

Speaking of bacon, allow me to heartily recommend the deep fried bacon from Wiener and Still Champion. I recommend that everyone try it. Once.

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